Friday, August 28, 2009

Governor Charlie Crist protecting Rifqa Bary

Governor Charlie Crist

"Morris Sadek"
Governor Christ,
Before you allow Rifqa Barry to be placed in mortal jeopardy by sending her back to certain death in Ohio, you must read and learnabout apostasy and honor killings of females within Islam in the USA and elsewhere or you're negligent, irresponsible and not suitedfor public office.
There was an entire program on Fox News earlier this year about the very subject. This is not uncommon in the United States.
morris sadek Fsq
Egyptian attorny
special legal consultant Dc Bar
president of national American coptic Assembly - usa

"Governor Charlie Crist"
"Governor Charlie Crist"
Thank you for contacting Governor Charlie Crist and sharing yourconcerns about Ms. Fathima (Rifqa) Bary. The Governor asked that Irespond on his behalf. Governor Crist is committed to protecting Ms. Bary's health, safety andwelfare. Governor Crist directed the Secretary of the Department ofChildren and Families, George Sheldon, to petition the court forplacement in shelter and custody under the Florida Department ofChildren and Family Services (Department). As a result, the courtplaced Ms. Bary in protective custody and she is now in a licensedfoster care home under the supervision of the Department. The Secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services and theGovernor's General Counsel represented the Governor at a court hearingon August 21 to determine Rifqa's status. The judge left Rifqa in herFlorida foster home until the next hearing in September. Following thejudge's ruling, Governor Crist issued the following statement:"I am grateful to Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson for his decision to grantFathima Rifqa Bary the right to remain in Florida. The first and onlypriority of my administration in this case, is the safety and wellbeingof this child. I am grateful for the good work of Department ofChildren and Families Secretary George Sheldon and my General Counsel,Rob Wheeler, for personally advocating the administration's position byattending today's hearing. We will continue to fight to protect Rifqa'ssafety and wellbeing as we move forward."Thank you again for taking the time to contact Governor Crist.


Warren Davis

Office of Citizen Service

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